Whirligig fun

As part of a City of Chicago DCASE grant, CCA is participating alongside 7 other community gardens to create and install whirligigs on site in our spaces. Here garden representatives come together during a design workshop to review laser cut draft models that were created with input from each garden.

whirligig is an object that spins or whirls, or has at least one part that spins or whirls. It can also be a pinwheelspinning top buzzer, comic weathervane, gee-haw, spinner, whirlygig, whirlijig, whirlyjig, whirlybird, or simply a whirly. They are most commonly powered by the wind but can be hand-, friction- or motor-powered. Our whirligigs will be installed on 11ft tall posts and spin freely with the wind. 



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