North Lawndale CAN
PermaPark is participating in the North Lawndale CAN Project with our 20' shipping container.
Through our participation in the North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council's GROWSS Subcommittee, we are collaborating with 5 other community organizations - all using our shipping containers( or CANS) to promote activities for the community. The containers and their programming are aimed at violence prevention and were purchased as part of a grant through ICJIA (Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority). CCA is focusing on gardening and lifelong learning - using our container in PermaPark for workshops and learning activities. Other containers include the YMEN's Cycle Can to lend/share and fix bikes, a garden stage at Stone Temple Church, the Pop Up Spot Museum in a box, Love Blooms - a community venture to grow flowers and UCAN's work to create neighborhood cookouts and events aimed at violence reduction and prevention.
The images shared here are from a community brainstorming session on how to create a visual "look" to connect all the containers. Design work led by Odile Compagnon.
Our container -- in place and ready for design work to begin!

The final design ideas will include Adinkra symbols for each container, paint from the palette above, a wayfinding map of all the CANS in the neighborhood and a bike rack. Funding for the bike racks and signage project come through a grant from SPIN and their collaboration with Working Bikes and YMEN on the Cycle Can.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!
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