Starting up summer projects...

The layout for our shipping container -- to install late summer 2020

Our shipping container will house supplies and create a sheltered space for classes and community events to do demonstrations and project work.  The container is part of a larger North Lawndale Container Project created with funding from an ICJIA (Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority) grant for violence prevention. The grant is managed by community partner UCAN.North Lawndale will have five shipping containers in the neighborhood, each with a special focus: art, environment, cycling and gardening.
Odile Compagnon, Chicago architect and instructor at the School fo the Art Institute, works with our sustainability assistant, Clayton, to measure out foundations for our Permapark signage project. The project is funded through a grant from ICECF (Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation). 

The new sign will include seating and was designed originally by SAIC student, Emily May.

Buds on one of our Paw Paw saplings

Giant alliums start mark the front of one of our hugelkultur mounds.


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