From potato chips to fortune cookies...

On Friday October 4th we continued our workshop with UIC and The Available City Project.
Thursday we considered the hyperbolic paraboloid better known as a Pringle. Today, students contemplated the fortune cookie while working with paper folding.
Students toured the UIC architecture facility and had a chance to visit with a first year architecture student.

They discussed studio time, software, model making and expectations for the first year of architecture school

Jverson contemplates all the work involved in model making.

David Brown discusses the classes and projects for first year students

Contemplating the fortune cookie - yes that is a slide of a fortune cookie

Combining folds to create a structure

Some designs were complex on their own

Students discuss and critique their work with Antonio Torres and David Brown

How do these designs become part of a pavilion for our food forest??? Stay tuned to find out!


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