Pollinator planting!

Yesterday, with the help of some awesome volunteers, a summer day in October (85 degrees) and the superhuman strength of Greg Smith to wrangle the auger, we planted over 200 native perennials in our bioswale - all part of the K-12 Pollinator Grant we were awarded from the Illinois Energy Conservation Foundation.
Between these plants and the fruiting trees and bushes we planted last week there will be food and shelter here for everyone in spring, summer, fall and even winter -- for the birds, the bees, the butterflies, the caterpillars, and for humans! We continue to live in awe and wonder of nature and of the kindness and generosity found all around us. 
Thank you to our volunteers, friends, grantor and local businesses (CityOrchards, GlennArt Farm and HomanGrown) who made this project a great success.


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